
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Freedom Riders

Richard Gleason ,50,  young Christians minister who running a program outreach in South Chicago. He felt compelled when he got pressure to join with Freedom Riders movement. When  He recall about it, "The Klansmen had 15 minutes but the police given about 15 to 20 minutes to work over with Freedom Riders movement" he said. 

He did it cause believe Jesus was walking in the earth. he would have been there, and that's my decision, he said. 
When Gleason celebrated 50 Anniversary of Freedom Riders movement, he appeared in Oprah, and told many things about what happened. 

"We were in the same bus with other passenger, and when we reached Jackson, my goal was to got to the colored waiting room to integrate, but when we did it, we got arrested. He said. 

In 1961, John Hardy was a student of Tennessee university and a freedom riders field organizer. "Cause we were there and we were trespassing now and we were arrested, marched outside, put in the paddy wagon and taken to Nashville Jail", recall him. 

Both of men that believe the Freedom riders movement was one of significant moment in the history of civil right

Today, it's easy enough for anyone to call freedom riders heroes. But they were not viewed in thay way of their own time. The White House was unhappy with them, among other reason, cause they had exposed the American of underside. The local media were predictably terrible in their depiction of these fighter for justice, but the National Press presented to them as rabble rouser who were, a mere 100 years after civil war begun, pushing it too far too fast. That's always the way oppressed people are viewed, of course, no matter how just their cause, no matter how long they waited. 


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